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1.2 – The 3 Pillars of Personal Agility

45 mins
There are three essential pillars for Personal Agility:
  1. Pillar 1: Capability – the ability to get things done.
  2. Pillar 2: Priority – the ability to get the right things done.
  3. Pillar 3: Alignment – with stakeholders
Each pillar is required if a person is to do what really matters in life and stay on course. The questions to follow are designed for you to reflect on how you have dealt with each pillar in the past, and to also come up with strategies for making positive in the areas where there is an opportunity to improve.

  • Capability

    This section is designed to help you think through your current talents and capabilities, so you can more easily identify strategies for working on what really matters.
  • We all struggle with certain types of tasks. One of the signs can be a tendency to procrastinate on the things we struggle with.
  • Priority

    This section is designed to help you think about how your priorities align with your definition of impact.
  • Priority #1Priority #2Priority #3
  • Alignment

    Alignment is when two people are in agreement on something important.
  • (write the person's name or position below)
  • (write the person's name or position below)
  • (write the person's name below)
  • (This info REALLY helps us improve the program)
    ** By checking this box, I hereby certify all information entered herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, I have completed the work required in this module to the best of my ability and have documentation to support any work performed outside of the personalagilityportal.com website.