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1.3 – What Really Matters

40 mins

To master your personal agility, there are six questions you will be answering on a regular basis. Your priorities map will serve as the infrastructure you need to come back to those questions again and again. Your six questions are:

  1. What really matters?
  2. What did you do last week?
  3. Which of those things are important/urgent?
  4. Of all the important/urgent things, which do I want to get done this week?
  5. Who can help?

  • What Really Matters?

    Considering the information you captured in the first two modules of this week’s lesson, identifying the top 3 or 4 things that are important to you will lay the foundation for what you will focus on within the Personal Agility program.
  • ONE Thing

    Consider just ONE thing that is most important to you right now; ONE thing that if you had the freedom to do anything you wanted you would spend the majority of your time focusing on this ONE thing.
  • Do not put this in the form of a goal just yet, just describe one thing that is important to you (example: health, family, freedom, etc.):
  • Describe what could potentially be holding you back. If there's nothing, let us know what makes you so sure...
  • (This info REALLY helps us improve the program)
    ** By checking this box, I hereby certify all information entered herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, I have completed the work required in this module to the best of my ability and have documentation to support any work performed outside of the personalagilityportal.com website.